Eat Right Not Less: Best Food for Weight Loss

Eat Better

Eat Right Not Less: Best Food for Weight Loss

Salad with a vinagrette

If you’re trying to lose weight, it all starts in the kitchen.

The good news is, you don’t have to go hungry. In fact, that would be counterproductive in the long run.

Let’s take a look at the best food for weight loss.

1.Healthy fats

If you think you should avoid fat to lose fat, think again. For years, people believed fat was the enemy – but research has proved that’s not the case.

Fat provides key benefits that assist in weight loss.1 This includes helping you feel fuller for longer. In fact, dietary fat is part of any healthy, balanced diet, giving your body energy and supporting cell growth.2

Of course, not all fats are made equal. Stick to polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, such as:


Not just one for the millennials, avocado is one of the original superfoods.

They’re packed with fibre and vitamins, contain more potassium than bananas and they’re bursting with antioxidants.3 The list goes on!

Peanut Butter

On the hunt for a healthy food that tastes like junk food? We’ve found one.

Peanut butter can pack up to 8g of protein per serving.4 It’s ideal in smoothies, protein shakes or simply as a snack with some banana – helping to keep you fuller for longer.

Nuts and seeds

You might have spotted the theme here. Eating fat keeps you satiated, reducing your likelihood of overeating or resorting to sugary snacks for energy.

The same is true for nuts and seeds. Some of the best include pumpkin seeds, almonds and pistachios.5


2. Fruits and vegetables

Of course, if you’re asking ‘what are the best foods for weight loss?’ You’re bound to hear the words ‘fruits and vegetables’ at some point.

Aim for around half your plate to be vegetables at lunch and dinner, as a general rule.

You can’t really go wrong here, but let’s take a look at some of the weight loss superstars that deserve their moment in the spotlight.


Low in calories, high in antioxidants and dietary fibre, berries are the ultimate snack.

Or, get creative and add them to smoothies, porridge or greek yoghurt.

Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and blackberries alike have all been proven to reduce belly fat and lower cholesterol while reducing blood sugar and insulin levels.6 So, have as many as you like!

Spinach and leafy greens

Remember rolling your eyes at being told to ‘eat your greens’ as a kid?

Well, the same is true today, especially when it comes to losing weight.

Spinach and other leafy greens have been shown to help burn fat, while being highly nutritious.7


Low in calories and high in fibre, broccoli is an excellent choice for those wanting to lose weight.

It’s been shown to keep you fuller for longer, curbing overeating, while aiding digestion.8

It’s also a high-volume food, meaning you feel like you’re eating more even though calories are extremely low.


Instead of reaching for a sugary snack, grab an apple. This nutritious fruit boasts a high fibre content, while helping lower cholesterol, plus they’re proven to aid in weight loss.9


Great for boosting your metabolism, mushrooms have been shown to promote weight loss and fat burning by regulating blood glucose levels.

They’re also a source of both protein and fibre,10 so don’t be afraid to make them a core element of your diet.


The humble banana sometimes gets a bad rap, as many complain about its high carb and sugar count.

However, this nutrient-dense snack is a great choice for keeping you satiated. They’re also an excellent source of fibre and potassium.11

3. Slow-release carbs

If any diet tells you to completely cut out carbs, run for the hills. Cutting out major food groups isn’t the answer, it’s picking the right ones that makes the difference.

It’s true you should cut back on refined carbs, like sweet desserts and white bread. But, here’s what you should load up on:

Potatoes and sweet potatoes

(Deep frying not recommended.)

White potatoes have fallen out of favour, but there’s no reason you can’t eat them, especially if boiling or baking them. They’ve been unjustly vilified, thanks to the likes of the ketogenic diet.

Roasted potatoes with a sprig of Rosemary


While both white and sweet potatoes are carb-dense, they’re also nutrient dense, packed with vitamins.12 The key benefit is that they’re filling, while providing slow-release energy.

Your average medium-sized potato contains under 200 calories,13 so it’s a win-win all round.


Yes, you read that right.

Reaching for a bag of popcorn is a good idea when you’re trying to lose weight.

The reason? It’s a great source of fibre and slow-release energy, making you feel less hungry and therefore more likely to lose weight.14


You don’t have to be able to pronounce it right to enjoy it fully.

Quinoa is a household name among weight loss foods, thanks to its metabolism-boosting properties and its ability to significantly reduce appetite.15

Rye bread

Rye bread has become a staple among healthy foods, and for good reason. It’s extremely high in fibre, low in sodium and fat-free.16

For these reasons, it’s a firm favourite among those who want a manageable, realistic eating plan that won’t leave you starving.

Plus, it can help curb cravings for things such as highly processed white bread.

4. Fibre

If weight loss is your goal, increase the amount of fibre in your diet. Eating soluble fibre has not only been proven to burn belly fat,17 but also keep you satiated.

Here are some items to add to your shopping basket to help you do just that:


If you like a bowl of porridge in the morning, you’re in luck. Oats are an excellent source of fibre and are a great way to kickstart your day with lots of energy. Many who eat oats for breakfast find they’re not hungry again until lunchtime, so the benefits are clear.

Beans, pulses and lentils

These are all a great source of soluble fibre. They’ve been shown to:

  • Delay the emptying of the stomach
  • Reduce visceral fat
  • Help you feel fuller
  • Improve heart health18

Brussel sprouts

Not just one for Christmas dinners, you can eat brussel sprouts whenever, and you’ll likely feel the benefits. These are another excellent source of soluble fibre, with boasting cancer-fighting agents and minerals.19


Raw brussel sprouts on a chopping board


Refreshing, sweet and perfect as a snack – pears are also a great source of fibre. Per gram, it’s one of the highest fibre foods you can have.20

5. Protein

Eating a high-protein diet helps prevent muscle loss and metabolic slow down. Particularly if increasing the amount of exercise you do to lose weight, eating more protein is a must.

Here are some of the top picks:


Rich in vitamins, combined with polyunsaturated fat and minerals, salmon is a perfect healthy food choice.

An 3oz portion of salmon contains roughly 20g of protein,21 helping you stay fuller for longer. Studies have found that high protein diets help you not only lose weight but keep it off.22


How do you like your eggs in the morning? Whatever your answer, they’re an excellent source of protein.23

Cottage cheese

Low-fat dairy is another good choice for those wanting to lose weight. In fact, there are around 11g of protein in 100g of cottage cheese.24

Chicken breast

Tip: take the skin off.

Chicken is an excellent source of protein, and can be cooked in a variety of different ways to help keep your diet interesting.


Think you can’t get adequate protein if you’re a vegetarian? Think again.

It’s also packed with essential amino acids, along with iron and calcium, while containing around 8g of protein per 100g.25


Easy to prepare, low calorie and an excellent protein source, you can’t really go wrong when it comes to tuna. It’s a very lean fish with minimal fat.26

Greek yoghurt

This is a food that can be eaten at breakfast, lunch or dinner. Pair with fruit, mix in with smoothies or use as a garnish – the choice is yours.

A bowl of cereal with greek yoghurt

Eat right to lose weight

There are a number of healthy foods out there to help you achieve your weight loss goals.

General rules include sticking to whole foods and avoiding highly processed, sugary options. Also, remember that not all calories were made equal, you should look for food that will keep you satiated also.

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