30 of the Best Foods to Lose Belly Fat

Best Foods to Lose Belly Fat

Eat Better

30 of the Best Foods to Lose Belly Fat

Which items should you be adding to your shopping list to help you achieve your weight loss goals? What are the best fat burning foods? How can you find healthy foods to lose belly fat? Here’s the good news, it’s a long list—and we’re here to answer all those questions and more!

Fat Burning Foods

Best fat burning foods

Following a healthy diet including natural food fat burners is essential when trying to lose weight. You need to be in a moderate calorie deficit in order to shed the pounds and keep them off. Some foods will be more beneficial than others in helping you reach your goals. Here’s a list of foods that burn belly fat.

Fat Burning Foods

What are the best foods to eat to burn belly fat?

So, let’s take a look at what foods burn belly fat. While you can’t target fat loss or specific areas, eating the right foods can help you lose overall fat overtime.

The key is to focus on soluble fibre and protein. Soluble fibre because it reduces appetite, keeping you full and making you less likely to overeat. Meanwhile, protein can help you lose fat because it boosts metabolism, reduces appetite and the hunger hormone, as well as helping you build muscle mass. Here are some of the best foods to stock your fridge and cupboards with.

1. Chickpeas

Chickpeas are rich in both protein and fibre, as well as a wide range of nutrients your body needs. Because of this, they can help manage blood pressure, support heart health and contribute to a healthy bone structure1.

2. Potatoes

While those following a low-carb diet shun the humble potato, they can be beneficial in many ways. The key is to go for whole potatoes, not their deep-fried cousins of the chips and crisps varieties. They’re low-calorie, nutritious and can prevent overeating2.

3. Pumpkin

Pumpkin is an extremely weight-loss friendly food. It’s nutrient-dense while being low calorie, and is an excellent source of fibre, which can help curb your appetite3.

4. Oats

You can’t really go wrong with a good bowl of porridge, or indeed oats in any form. They’re low-calorie, low-fat and filling, which is the holy grail when it comes to losing fat. The high fibre content can also aid digestive health4.

5. Berries

Berries may help you lose and maintain weight because they help you feel satiated while being low-calorie. They’re also rich in antioxidants, linked to the prevention of diabetes and lowered risk of heart disease5.

6. Beans

Beans and legumes are some of the most weight-loss friendly foods out there, as they’re high in both protein and fibre, contributing to feelings of fullness. Some of your options include6:

  • Black beans
  • Kidney beans
  • Edamame

7. Nuts

Don’t be afraid of higher-calorie foods full of healthy fat. Not only are they packed full of antioxidants and nutrients, but one study found that nut consumption may boost the number of calories burned at rest7.

8. Avocados

Avocados are high in fibre, which promotes weight loss and metabolic health. They’re full of healthy fat too, helping to keep you sated8.

9. Whole grains

Eating a diet rich in whole grains has many benefits. This includes lowering the risk of heart disease and fighting belly fat9. Sources include:

  • Brown rice
  • Bulgur wheat
  • Whole grain bread
  • Buckwheat

10. Lentils

Similarly to oats, lentils are rich in soluble fibre that may slow down digestion, helping you feel fuller for longer10. They also contain plenty of protein.

11. Leafy greens

Leafy greens, like kale and spinach, are some of the most nutrient-packed foods around. They’re powerhouses of minerals and vitamins, as well as containing a high fibre content which can help you lose weight11.

12. Tomatoes

Commonly mistaken to be a vegetable, tomatoes are very low-calorie and a great addition to many meals, such as salads. They’re also considered an appetite-suppressant “high-volume” food, containing high amounts of water and fibre12.

13. Cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables are a diverse group, including broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussel sprouts. Many are rich in vitamins and minerals such as folate and vitamin K, while being packed with fibre for few calories13.

14. Bananas

Bananas are a great addition to a healthy diet, providing a range of vital nutrients and fibre. They may also help reduce bloating and control appetite14.

15. Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits, such as oranges, are low-calorie, making them a smart choice for people looking to lose or maintain their weight15.

16. Asparagus

Asparagus is rich in fibre, which (as we know) is linked to lower body weight and weight loss. Outside of this, it may also help lower blood pressure and improve digestive health16.

17. Herbs and spices

Don’t forget the seasoning – healthy food doesn’t need to be boring! It’s important to add variety and flavour to your meals; this can also help you cut back on higher calorie, high-sugar sauces.

18. Onions

Rich in soluble fibre, onions are another great choice for weight loss. They can also help add flavour to food, and create higher-volume meals for fewer calories17.

19. Quinoa

Quinoa is one of the most popular health foods, and for good reason. It contains fibre, protein, magnesium, iron, zinc and potassium (plus others) so it’s earned its stripes among the superfoods.

In fact, quinoa has more than twice the amount of fibre as most grains. Not only that, but it can help control blood sugar levels, due to being low on the glycemic index. Foods high on the GI can contribute to obesity and feelings of hunger18.

20. Greek yoghurt

Greek yoghurt has a number of health benefits and is a firm favourite among many when it comes to weight loss foods19. These benefits include:

  • Reducing appetite and hunger (due to being rich in protein)
  • Improving bone health
  • Improving gut health
  • Boosting metabolism
  • Lowering blood pressure

21. Chillies

Eating anything spicy can speed up your metabolism for around 3 hours after consumption. Some studies also show that spicy foods reduce appetite20.

22. Green tea

Thirsty after all that spice? Green tea contains substances that can help you burn fat, and has been repeatedly linked to fat burning, particularly during exercise. But, it can also boost metabolic rate, helping you burn more calories even when it rest, according to several studies21.

23. Eggs

Few foods can rival the egg when it comes to healthy foods. They’re nutrient-dense, packed with protein and healthy fats, without being high in calories22.

24. Whey protein

Whey is an excellent source of high-quality protein, promoting muscle growth and aiding in fat loss by23:

  • Suppressing appetite, helping you to lower calorie intake
  • Boosting metabolism
  • Helping to maintain muscle mass when losing weight

25. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, which may promote weight loss by lowering blood sugar levels, burning fat and suppressing appetite (among other things)24.

26. Fish

Fish is a low-fat protein source, so it can help lead to weight loss if incorporated into your diet. Fish also provides vitamins and minerals, including B vitamins, zinc, and iron. Sources include salmon, cod and tuna25.

27. Olive oil

You don’t have to avoid fat to lose fat. Olive oil is a good example of this, as it’s a healthy source of monounsaturated fats and medium-chain triglycerides, both of which have been shown to offer potential benefits for weight loss. They promote feelings of fullness and may encourage fat burning in the body26.

28. Coffee

Can’t get through the day without your caffeine fix? Good news, it can increase metabolism and help mobilise fats from your fat tissues. However, the effects are short-term; many people build up a caffeine tolerance over time27.

29. Coconut oil

Coconut oil may enhance feelings of fullness, which can help you eat less and assist in weight loss goals. It may not enhance weight loss on its own, but it’s a good addition to a well-balanced diet28.

30. Oolong tea

Oolong tea is a traditional Chinese tea that may aid in weight loss efforts, as some studies link it to decreased body fat and increased energy expenditure29.


Creating a calorie deficit for weight loss

Boosting metabolic rate can help you lose fat, as your body will expend more energy even when at rest. Your ‘metabolism’ is essentially all the chemical processes your body carries out to function normally, such as breathing and digesting food. All of these processes require energy.

The minimum amount of energy your body needs to carry out these chemical processes is called the basal metabolic rate (BMR)30 and accounts for around 80% of your body’s daily energy requirements. So, the higher your metabolism, the more energy you burn, which can make it easier to lose weight. This is because a calorie deficit occurs when the number of calories someone consumes in a day is fewer than the number of calories they burn31. Being in a consistent calorie deficit can lead to weight and fat loss over time.

Fat burning foods for weight loss

Many factors play a role in how fast or slow your metabolism is. This includes age, gender, muscle mass and activity levels. This is why it’s recommended you carry out exercise to lose weight, as it can help you burn more calories.

However, when it comes to losing weight, the most important factor is diet. A good rule of thumb for healthy weight loss is to create a deficit of about 500 calories per day, which can help you lose about 1 pound a week32. This is considered healthy, steady weight loss which is easier to maintain33. Many people calorie count to help them stay on track.

Other ways to boost metabolism include:

  • Eating plenty of protein
  • Standing up more
  • Trying HIIT (high-intensity interval training)
  • Getting a good night’s sleep34

The good news is, there are many foods and drinks out there that have been shown to increase metabolism and encourage fat burning. They can also give you energy, provide vital nutrients and suppress hunger.


Foods to get rid of belly fat – Don’t go hungry!

While you can’t target ‘belly fat loss’ specifically, being in a moderate calorie deficit will allow you to lose weight at a steady, sustainable pace. Some foods should be eaten more frequently than others when it comes to achieving your goals, as they contain metabolism-boosting properties and help keep you feeling full.

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