8 Mood Boosting Foods That Are Good for You

Mood Boosting Foods

Eat Better

8 Mood Boosting Foods That Are Good for You

The food that we eat is central to not only our health, but to controlling and maintaining our weight. That’s fairly common knowledge. Yet one thing we don’t always give our diet credit for is its ability to affect our mood.

Weight loss plans and diets are liable to go awry when our emotions step in. Low moods can turn many of us to comfort eating. This isn’t, in itself, a huge issue. But only if such ‘treats’ are small and infrequent and don’t work as a crutch to us when we’re experiencing negative emotions.

It’s possible, however, to establish and stick to a diet plan of certain foods that are not only healthy and can help with weight loss but can lift our mood too.

Here are some of the best examples of mood boosting foods which are good for both our physical and our mental health:

The best mood boosting foods

1. Whole grains

Opting for high-fibre foods like grains instead of sugary options isn’t just good for your teeth and waistline. Grains, unlike sweet treats, actually stabilise blood sugars and regulate neurotransmitter secretions from the brain1.

Whole grains are an excellent mood enhancing food since they are naturally very rich in an amino acid called tryptophan, something the body requires to produce serotonin and melatonin2.

2. Fish

Fatty fishes such as tuna and salmon are high in Omega-3 acids, essential fats that have been linked with lower levels of depression, making them an excellent mood lifting food for those that eat them3.

The omega-3 fatty acids found in certain types of fish have also been heavily linked with effectively treating other mental conditions, such as bipolar disorder4.

The benefits to mental health from fish don’t end there. Research also indicates that antidepressants work better for those who enjoy a diet rich in Omega-3 fatty acids5.

3. Fruit

Feelings of sadness and low mood often come with food cravings. For many, a yearning for sweet treats hits, and this can be a problem if you don’t stick to healthy snacks. If you’re on a weight control plan, one way to deal with this kind of hankering is to reach for some fruit.

Packed with minerals, vitamins and micronutrients, fruits are one of the boost mood boosting foods around, offering plenty of benefits, including:

  • Bananas – There’s plenty of vitamin B6 in bananas6
  • Berries – The anthocyanins in berries can help lift mood7
  • Figs – Magnesium-rich figs have been shown to help with depressive feelings8
  • Oranges – Packed with the mood-lifting B vitamin folate9
  • Watermelons – Lycopene helps lower the risk for inflammation associated with depression10

4. Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds contain proteins, healthy fats and fibre, all of which are vital to a healthy system. They also contain tryptophan, the amino acid which produces mood-enhancing chemicals11.

Some seeds (pine nuts, almonds, brazils) are rich in selenium and zinc. Research has shown that a deficiency of these two minerals is associated with depression12. So it makes sense to introduce these specific mood enhancing foods into your diet where possible.

5. Dark chocolate

Chocolate is an excellent mood boosting food that boasts many fantastic properties. First off – it just makes us happy. That’s not a subjective opinion, either. It’s actually proven. Scientists rate chocolate as extremely ‘hedonic’, meaning its very sight, smell, taste, texture and the memories it can evoke are capable of making us feel pleasure13.

Dark chocolate also contains lots of different compounds associated with feeling good, such as theobromine and caffeine. It also contains N-acylethanolamine, a chemical similar to cannabinoids that’s been shown to improve mood14.

6. Beans, peas and lentils

Not only do lentils, peas and beans provide a healthy source of fibre and protein, they can also help contribute to your mood boosting food choices.

They’re packed full of selenium, non-heme iron, zinc and magnesium, all of which have been shown to elevate a person’s frame of mind15.

In terms of vitamins and alleviating symptoms of depression, you want as much B vitamins in your diet as possible. All three of the pulses are high in such vitamins, all of which encourage production of feel-good neurotransmitters like norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine16.

7. Oats

In one study, trial participants who consumed an oat-based fibre at breakfast reported feeling happier and having more energy17. This was ascribed to them having steadier blood sugar levels, something which can play a part in limiting irritation and mood swings18.

Oats are a very good source of iron. Low iron intake is linked to anaemia19, one of the most prevalent dietary deficiencies. Mood issues and exhaustion are just some of its symptoms. Some people find that these symptoms become noticeably alleviated after consuming mood enhancing foods that are high in iron20.

8. Vegetables

When nutritionists compare people that have low moods with those that don’t, something that’s noticeable is that the former consume less folate in their diets21.

Vegetables, especially the darker leafy greens, are a fantastic option when looking for foods to help enhance and regulate mood because they contain folate, fibre, and other minerals. Veggies are an excellent mood boosting food since they’re also a source of omega-3, especially Brussels sprouts, spinach, kale, and watercress22.

Mood boosting foods — part of a healthy diet

These mood boosting foods are an excellent way to start building and maintaining a healthier diet. Start integrating them slowly and gradually build your diet to help you achieve your weight loss goals. Remember, eating right and not less is the key to healthy weight loss that you can manage and maintain.

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